Source code for machin.frame.noise.param_space_noise

from typing import Callable, Tuple, Any, Dict
import torch as t
import torch.nn as nn

from machin.utils.logging import default_logger as logger
from machin.utils.helper_classes import Switch
from .generator import NormalNoiseGen

[docs]class AdaptiveParamNoise(object): def __init__(self, initial_stddev: float = 0.1, desired_action_stddev: float = 0.1, adoption_coefficient: float = 1.01): """ Implements the adaptive parameter space method in `<<Parameter space noise for exploration>> \ <>`_. Hint: Let :math:`\\theta` be the standard deviation of noise, and :math:`\\alpha` be the adpotion coefficient, then: :math:`\\theta_{n+1} = \\left \\{ \ \\begin{array}{ll} \ \\alpha \\theta_k \ & if\\ d(\\pi,\\tilde{\\pi})\\leq\\delta, \\\\ \ \\frac{1}{\\alpha} \\theta_k & otherwise, \ \\end{array} \ \\right. \\ ` Noise is directly applied to network parameters. Args: initial_stddev: Initial noise standard deviation. desired_action_stddev: Desired standard deviation for adoption_coefficient: Adoption coefficient. """ self.initial_stddev = initial_stddev self.desired_action_stddev = desired_action_stddev self.adoption_coefficient = adoption_coefficient self.current_stddev = initial_stddev
[docs] def adapt(self, distance: float): """ Update noise standard deviation according to distance. Args: distance: Current distance between the noisy action and clean action. """ if distance > self.desired_action_stddev: # Decrease stddev. self.current_stddev /= self.adoption_coefficient else: # Increase stddev. self.current_stddev *= self.adoption_coefficient
[docs] def get_dev(self) -> float: """ Returns: Current noise standard deviation. """ return self.current_stddev
def __repr__(self): fmt = 'AdaptiveParamNoise(i_std={}, da_std={}, adpt_coeff={})' return fmt.format(self.initial_stddev, self.desired_action_stddev, self.adoption_coefficient)
def _add_perturb_hook(module, perturb_switch, reset_switch, perturb_gen, debug_backward): org_params = {} noisy_params = {} def perturb_pre_hook(*_): with t.no_grad(): if perturb_switch.get(): if noisy_params and not reset_switch.get(): # Use generated noisy parameters. for p_name, p_value in module.named_parameters(): if t.is_tensor(p_value): p_value.set_(noisy_params[p_name]) else: # Generate noisy parameters if they don't exist. org_params.clear() noisy_params.clear() for p_name, p_value in module.named_parameters(): if t.is_tensor(p_value): org_params[p_name] = p_value.clone() p_value += perturb_gen( p_value.shape, p_value.device ).detach() noisy_params[p_name] = p_value.clone() elif not perturb_switch.get(): # Use original parameters if org_params: for p_name, p_value in module.named_parameters(): if t.is_tensor(p_value): p_value.set_(org_params[p_name]) pre_hook_handle = module.register_forward_pre_hook(perturb_pre_hook) post_hook_handles = [] for param_name, param_value in module.named_parameters(): def perturb_post_hook(*_): # pragma: no cover # pytest will not detect execution by autograd engine # Called before backward update, swap noisy parameters out, # so gradients are applied to original parameters. if debug_backward: print("Backward swapped for {}!".format(param_name)) with t.no_grad(): if org_params and t.is_tensor(param_value): param_value.set_(org_params[param_name]) post_hook_handle = param_value.register_hook(perturb_post_hook) post_hook_handles.append(post_hook_handle) return pre_hook_handle, post_hook_handles # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]def perturb_model(model: nn.Module, perturb_switch: Switch, reset_switch: Switch, distance_func: Callable = lambda x, y: t.dist(x, y, 2).mean().item(), desired_action_stddev: float = 0.5, noise_generator: Any = NormalNoiseGen, noise_generator_args: Tuple = (), noise_generator_kwargs: Dict = None, noise_generate_function: Callable = None, debug_backward=False): """ Give model's parameters a little perturbation. Implements `<<Parameter space noise for exploration>> \ <>`_. Note: Only parameters of type ``t.Tensor`` and gettable from ``model.named_parameters()`` will be perturbed. Original parameters will be automatically swapped in during the backward pass, and you can safely call optimizers afterwards. Hint: 1. ``noise_generator`` must accept (shape, \*args) in its ``__init__`` function, where shape is the required shape. it also needs to have ``__call__(device=None)`` which produce a noise tensor on the specified device when invoked. 2. ``noise_generate_function`` must accept (shape, device, std:float) and return a noise tensor on the specified device. Example: In order to use this function to perturb your model, you need to:: from machin.utils.helper_classes import Switch from machin.frame.noise.param_space_noise import perturb_model from machin.utils.visualize import visualize_graph import torch as t dims = 5 t.manual_seed(0) model = t.nn.Linear(dims, dims) optim = t.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), 1e-3) p_switch, r_switch = Switch(), Switch() cancel = perturb_model(model, p_switch, r_switch) # you should keep this switch on if you do one training step after # every sampling step. otherwise you may turn it off in one episode # and turn it on in the next to speed up training. r_switch.on() # turn off/on the perturbation switch to see the difference p_switch.on() # do some sampling action = model(t.ones([dims])) # in order to let parameter noise adapt to generate noisy actions # within ``desired_action_stddev``, you must periodically # use the original model to generate some actions: action = model(t.ones([dims])) # visualize will not show any leaf noise tensors # because they are created in t.no_grad() context # and added in-place. visualize_graph(action, exit_after_vis=False) # do some training loss = (action - t.ones([dims])).sum() loss.backward() optim.step() print(model.weight) # clear hooks cancel() Args: model: Neural network model. perturb_switch: The switch used to enable perturbation. If switch is set to ``False`` (off), then during the forward process, original parameters are used. reset_switch: The switch used to reset perturbation noise. If switch is set to ``True`` (on), and ``perturb_switch`` is also on, then during every forward process, a new set of noise is applied to each param. If only ``perturb_switch`` is on, then the same set of noisy parameters is used in the forward process and they **will not be updated**. distance_func: Distance function, accepts two tensors produced by ``model`` (one is noisy), return the distance as float. Used to compare the distance between actions generated by noisy parameters and original parameters. desired_action_stddev: Desired action standard deviation. noise_generator: Noise generator class. noise_generator_args: Additional args other than shape of the noise generator. noise_generator_kwargs: Additional kwargs other than shape of the noise generator. noise_generate_function: Noise generation function, mutually exclusive with ``noise_generator`` and ``noise_generator_args``. debug_backward: Print a message if the backward hook is correctly executed. Returns: 1. A reset function with no arguments, will swap in original paramters. 2. A deregister function with no arguments, will deregister all hooks applied on your model. """ tmp_action = {} hook_handles = [] param_noise_spec = AdaptiveParamNoise( desired_action_stddev=desired_action_stddev ) def param_noise_gen(shape, device): nonlocal noise_generator_args, noise_generator_kwargs if noise_generator_kwargs is None: noise_generator_kwargs = {} gen = noise_generator(shape, *noise_generator_args, **noise_generator_kwargs) return gen(device) * param_noise_spec.get_dev() def param_noise_custom_gen_wrapper(shape, device): std_dev = param_noise_spec.get_dev() return noise_generate_function(shape, device, std_dev) if noise_generate_function is not None: param_noise_gen = param_noise_custom_gen_wrapper def perturb_adjust_hook(_model, _input, output): if perturb_switch.get(): tmp_action["with_noise"] = output.clone() else: tmp_action["without_noise"] = output.clone() if "with_noise" in tmp_action and "without_noise" in tmp_action: # Compute distance between two actions generated by # noisy parameters and original parameters. with t.no_grad(): dist = distance_func(tmp_action["with_noise"], tmp_action["without_noise"]) tmp_action.clear() param_noise_spec.adapt(dist)"Current output distance: {}".format(dist))"Current param noise stddev: {}" .format(param_noise_spec.get_dev())) # Boise generation happens in pre-forward and noise adjust happens # in post-forward hook_handles.append(model.register_forward_hook(perturb_adjust_hook)) pre, post = _add_perturb_hook(model, perturb_switch, reset_switch, param_noise_gen, debug_backward) hook_handles.append(pre) hook_handles += post def cancel(): for hh in hook_handles: hh.remove() return cancel