Source code for machin.utils.conf

from typing import Union
import copy
import json
import argparse

from .helper_classes import Object

[docs]class Config(Object): def __init__(self, **configs): super(Config, self).__init__(configs)
[docs]def load_config_cmd(merge_conf: Config = None) -> Config: """ Get configs from the commandline by using "--conf". ``--conf a=b`` will set ``<Returned Config>.a = b`` Example:: python3 --conf device=\"cuda:1\" --conf some_dict={\"some_key\":1} Example:: from machin.utils.conf import Config from machin.utils.save_env import SaveEnv # set some config attributes c = Config( model_save_int = 100, root_dir = "some_directory", restart_from_trial = "2020_05_09_15_00_31" ) load_config_cmd(c) # restart_from_trial specifies the trial name in your root # directory. # If it is set, then SaveEnv constructor will # load arguments from that trial record, will overwrite. # If not, then SaveEnv constructor will save configurations # as: ``<c.some_root_dir>/<trial_start_time>/config/config.json`` save_env = SaveEnv(c) Args: merge_conf: Config to merge. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--conf", action="append") args = parser.parse_args() config_dict = {} if args.conf is not None: for env_str in args.conf: name, value = env_str.split('=') value = eval(value) config_dict[name] = value return merge_config((Config() if merge_conf is None else merge_conf), config_dict)
[docs]def load_config_file(json_file: str, merge_conf: Config = None) -> Config: """ Get configs from a json file. Args: json_file: Path to the json config file. merge_conf: Config to merge. Return: configuration """ # parse the configurations from the config json file provided with open(json_file, 'r') as config_file: config_dict = json.load(config_file) return merge_config((Config() if merge_conf is None else merge_conf), config_dict)
[docs]def save_config(conf: Config, json_file: str): """ Dump config object to a json file. """ with open(json_file, 'w') as config_file: json.dump(, config_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs]def merge_config(conf: Config, merge: Union[dict, Config]) -> Config: """ Merge config object with a dictionary, or a Config object, same keys in the ``conf`` will be overwritten by keys in ``merge``. """ new_conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) if isinstance(merge, dict): for k, v in merge.items(): new_conf[k] = v else: for k, v in if k not in new_conf.const_attrs: new_conf[k] = v return new_conf