Source code for machin.utils.prepare

from typing import Dict, Iterable, Any
from os.path import join
from .logging import default_logger

import os
import re
import shutil
import torch as t
import torch.nn as nn

[docs]def prep_clear_dirs(dirs: Iterable[str]): """ Args: dirs: a list of directories to clear """ for dir_ in dirs: file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(dir_)] for f in file_list: f = os.path.join(dir_, f) if os.path.isfile(f) or os.path.islink(f): os.unlink(f) elif os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f)
[docs]def prep_create_dirs(dirs: Iterable[str]): """ Note: will recursively create directories. Args: dirs: a list of directories to create if these directories are not found. """ for dir_ in dirs: if not os.path.exists(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_)
[docs]def prep_load_state_dict(model: nn.Module, state_dict: Any): """ Automatically load a **loaded state dictionary** Note: This function handles tensor device remapping. """ for name, param in model.state_dict().items(): state_dict[name].to(param.device) model.load_state_dict(state_dict)
[docs]def prep_load_model(model_dir: str, model_map: Dict[str, t.nn.Module], version: int = None, quiet: bool = False, logger: Any = None): """ Automatically find and load models. Args: model_dir: Directory to save models. model_map: Model saving map. version: Version to load, if specified, otherwise automatically find the latest version. quiet: Raise no error if no valid version could be found. logger: Logger to use. """ if not os.path.exists(model_dir) or not os.path.isdir(model_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model directory doesn't exist!") if logger is None: logger = default_logger version_map = {} for net_name in model_map.keys(): version_map[net_name] = set() models = os.listdir(model_dir) for m in models: match = re.fullmatch("([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)_([0-9]+)\\.pt$", m) if match is not None: n = v = int( if n in model_map: version_map[n].add(v) if version is not None: is_version_found = [version in version_map[name] for name in model_map.keys()] if all(is_version_found):"Specified version found, using version: {}" .format(version)) for net_name, net in model_map.items(): net = net # type: nn.Module state_dict = t.load(join( model_dir, "{}_{}.pt".format(net_name, version)), map_location="cpu" ).state_dict() prep_load_state_dict(net, state_dict) return else: for ivf, net_name in zip(is_version_found, model_map.keys()): if not ivf: logger.warning( "Specified version {} for network {} is invalid" .format(version, net_name) )"Begin auto find") # use the valid, latest model common = set.intersection(*version_map.values()) if len(common) == 0: if not quiet: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find a valid version for all models!") else: return version = max(common)"Using version: {}".format(version)) for net_name, net in model_map.items(): state_dict = t.load(join( model_dir, "{}_{}.pt".format(net_name, version)), map_location="cpu" ).state_dict() prep_load_state_dict(net, state_dict)