Source code for machin.env.wrappers.openai_gym

from itertools import repeat
from typing import Tuple, Callable
from threading import Lock
from multiprocessing import get_context
import gym
import numpy as np

from machin.parallel.exception import ExceptionWithTraceback
from machin.parallel.queue import SimpleQueue
from machin.parallel.pickle import dumps, loads

from .base import *
from ..utils.openai_gym import disable_view_window

[docs]class GymTerminationError(Exception): def __init__(self): super().__init__( "One or several environments have terminated, " "reset before continuing." )
[docs]class ParallelWrapperDummy(ParallelWrapperBase): """ Dummy parallel wrapper for gym environments, implemented using for-loop. For debug purpose only. """ def __init__(self, env_creators: List[Callable[[int], gym.Env]]): """ Args: env_creators: List of gym environment creators, used to create environments, accepts a index as your environment id. """ super().__init__() self._envs = [ec(i) for ec, i in zip(env_creators, range(len(env_creators)))] self._terminal = np.zeros([len(self._envs)], dtype=np.bool)
[docs] def reset(self, idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None) -> List[object]: """ Returns: A list of gym states. """ if idx is None: obsrv = [e.reset() for e in self._envs] self._terminal = np.zeros([self.size()], dtype=np.bool) else: obsrv = [] if np.isscalar(idx): idx = [idx] for i in idx: obsrv.append(self._envs[i].reset()) self._terminal[i] = False return obsrv
[docs] def step( self, action: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]], idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[object], List[float], List[bool], List[dict]]: """ Let specified environment(s) run one time step. Specified environments must be active and have not reached terminal states before. Args: action: Actions sent to each specified environment, the size of the first dimension must match the number of selected environments. idx: Indexes of selected environments, default is all. Returns: Observation, reward, terminal, and diagnostic info. """ if idx is None: idx = list(range(self.size())) elif np.isscalar(idx): idx = [idx] if len(action) != len(idx): raise ValueError("Action number must match environment number!") if np.any(self._terminal[idx]): raise GymTerminationError() envs = [self._envs[i] for i in idx] result = [e.step(a) for e, a in zip(envs, action)] obsrv, reward, terminal, info = zip(*result) obsrv = list(obsrv) reward = list(reward) terminal = list(terminal) info = list(info) self._terminal[idx] |= terminal return obsrv, reward, terminal, info
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Union[int, List[int]] = None) -> List[int]: """ Set seeds for all environments. Args: seed: If seed is ``int``, the same seed will be used for all environments. If seed is ``List[int]``, it must have the same size as the number of all environments. If seed is ``None``, all environments will use the default seed. Returns: Actual used seed returned by all environments. """ if np.isscalar(seed) or seed is None: seed = [seed] * self.size() result = [] for e, s in zip(self._envs, seed): if hasattr(e, "seed"): result.append(e.seed(s)) return result
[docs] def render(self, idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None, *_, **__) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Render all/specified environments. Args: idx: Indexes of selected environments, default is all. Returns: A list or rendered frames, of type ``np.ndarray`` and size (H, W, 3). """ rendered = [] if idx is None: for e in self._envs: if np.any(self._terminal): raise GymTerminationError() rendered.append(e.render(mode="rgb_array")) else: if np.isscalar(idx): idx = [idx] for i in idx: if self._terminal[i]: raise GymTerminationError() rendered.append(self._envs[i].render(mode="rgb_array")) return rendered
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close all environments. """ for e in self._envs: e.close()
[docs] def active(self) -> List[int]: """ Returns: Indexes of current active environments. """ return np.arange(self.size())[~self._terminal]
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """ Returns: Number of environments. """ return len(self._envs)
@property def action_space(self) -> Any: # DOC INHERITED return self._envs[0].action_space @property def observation_space(self) -> Any: # DOC INHERITED return self._envs[0].observation_space
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]class ParallelWrapperSubProc(ParallelWrapperBase): """ Parallel wrapper based on sub processes. """ def __init__(self, env_creators: List[Callable[[int], gym.Env]]) -> None: """ Args: env_creators: List of gym environment creators, used to create environments on sub process workers, accepts a index as your environment id. """ super().__init__() self.workers = [] # Some environments will hang or collapse when using fork context. # E.g.: in "CarRacing-v0". pyglet used by gym will have render problems. # In case users wants to pass tensors to environments, # always copy all tensors to avoid errors ctx = get_context("spawn") self.cmd_queues = [ SimpleQueue(ctx=ctx, copy_tensor=True) for _ in range(len(env_creators)) ] self.result_queue = SimpleQueue(ctx=ctx, copy_tensor=True) for cmd_queue, ec, env_idx in zip( self.cmd_queues, env_creators, range(len(env_creators)) ): # enable recursive serialization to support # lambda & local function creators. self.workers.append( ctx.Process( target=self._worker, args=( cmd_queue, self.result_queue, dumps(ec, recurse=True, copy_tensor=True), env_idx, ), ) ) for worker in self.workers: worker.daemon = True worker.start() self.env_size = env_size = len(env_creators) self._cmd_lock = Lock() self._closed = False tmp_env = env_creators[0](0) self._action_space = tmp_env.action_space self._obsrv_space = tmp_env.observation_space tmp_env.close() self._terminal = np.zeros([env_size], dtype=np.bool)
[docs] def reset(self, idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None) -> List[object]: """ Returns: A list of gym states. """ env_idxs = self._select_envs(idx) self._terminal[env_idxs] = False with self._cmd_lock: return self._call_gym_env_method(env_idxs, "reset")
[docs] def step( self, action: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]], idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[object], List[float], List[bool], List[dict]]: """ Let specified environment(s) run one time step. Specified environments must be active and have not reached terminal states before. Args: action: Actions sent to each specified environment, the size of the first dimension must match the number of selected environments. idx: Indexes of selected environments, default is all. Returns: Observation, reward, terminal, and diagnostic info. """ env_idxs = self._select_envs(idx) if len(action) != len(env_idxs): raise ValueError("Action number must match environment number!") with self._cmd_lock: result = self._call_gym_env_method( env_idxs, "step", [(act,) for act in action] ) obsrv = [r[0] for r in result] reward = [r[1] for r in result] terminal = [r[2] for r in result] info = [r[3] for r in result] self._terminal[env_idxs] |= terminal return obsrv, reward, terminal, info
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Union[int, List[int]] = None) -> List[int]: """ Set seeds for all environments. Args: seed: If seed is ``int``, the same seed will be used for all environments. If seed is ``List[int]``, it must have the same size as the number of all environments. If seed is ``None``, all environments will use the default seed. Returns: Actual used seed returned by all environments. """ if np.isscalar(seed) or seed is None: seed = [seed] * self.size() env_idxs = self._select_envs() with self._cmd_lock: return self._call_gym_env_method(env_idxs, "seed", [(sd,) for sd in seed])
[docs] def render( self, idx: Union[int, List[int]] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Render all/specified environments. Args: idx: Indexes of selected environments, default is all. Returns: A list or rendered frames, of type ``np.ndarray`` and size (H, W, 3). """ env_idxs = self._select_envs(idx) with self._cmd_lock: return self._call_gym_env_method( env_idxs, "render", kwargs=list(repeat({"mode": "rgb_array"}, len(env_idxs))), )
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close all environments, including the wrapper. """ with self._cmd_lock: if self._closed: return self._closed = True env_idxs = self._select_envs() self._call_gym_env_method(env_idxs, "close") for cmd_queue in self.cmd_queues: cmd_queue.quick_put(None) for worker in self.workers: worker.join()
[docs] def active(self) -> List[int]: """ Returns: Indexes of current active environments. """ return np.arange(self.size())[~self._terminal]
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """ Returns: Number of environments. """ return self.env_size
@property def action_space(self) -> Any: # DOC INHERITED return self._action_space @property def observation_space(self) -> Any: # DOC INHERITED return self._obsrv_space def _select_envs(self, idx=None): if idx is None: idx = list(range(self.env_size)) else: if np.isscalar(idx): idx = [idx] return idx def _call_gym_env_method(self, env_idxs, method, args=None, kwargs=None): if args is None: args = [() for _ in range(len(env_idxs))] if kwargs is None: kwargs = [{} for _ in range(len(env_idxs))] result = {} # Check whether any process has exited with error code: for worker, worker_id in zip(self.workers, range(len(self.workers))): if worker.exitcode is None: continue if worker.exitcode == 2: raise RuntimeError(f"Worker {worker_id} failed to create environment.") elif worker.exitcode != 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Worker {worker_id} exited with code {worker.exitcode}." ) for env_idx, i in zip(env_idxs, range(len(env_idxs))): self.cmd_queues[env_idx].quick_put((method, args[i], kwargs[i])) while len(result) < len(env_idxs): e_idx, success, res = self.result_queue.get() if success: result[e_idx] = res else: raise res return [result[e_idx] for e_idx in env_idxs] @staticmethod def _worker( cmd_queue: SimpleQueue, result_queue: SimpleQueue, env_creator, env_idx ): env = None try: env = loads(env_creator)(env_idx) except Exception: # Something has gone wrong during environment creation, # exit with error. exit(2) try: while True: try: command = cmd_queue.quick_get(timeout=1e-3) except TimeoutError: continue try: if command is not None: method, args, kwargs = command else: # End of all tasks signal received cmd_queue.close() result_queue.close() break result = getattr(env, method)(*args, **kwargs) result_queue.put((env_idx, True, result)) except Exception as e: # Something has gone wrong during execution, serialize # the exception and send it back to master. result_queue.put((env_idx, False, ExceptionWithTraceback(e))) except KeyboardInterrupt: cmd_queue.close() result_queue.close()