Source code for machin.frame.algorithms.dqn

from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Callable, Any
from copy import deepcopy
import torch as t
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np

from machin.frame.buffers.buffer import Transition, Buffer
from machin.model.nets.base import NeuralNetworkModule
from .base import TorchFramework, Config
from .utils import (

[docs]class DQN(TorchFramework): """ DQN framework. """ _is_top = ["qnet", "qnet_target"] _is_restorable = ["qnet_target"] def __init__( self, qnet: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], qnet_target: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], optimizer: Callable, criterion: Callable, *_, lr_scheduler: Callable = None, lr_scheduler_args: Tuple[Tuple] = None, lr_scheduler_kwargs: Tuple[Dict] = None, batch_size: int = 100, epsilon_decay: float = 0.9999, update_rate: Union[float, None] = 0.005, update_steps: Union[int, None] = None, learning_rate: float = 0.001, discount: float = 0.99, gradient_max: float = np.inf, replay_size: int = 500000, replay_device: Union[str, t.device] = "cpu", replay_buffer: Buffer = None, mode: str = "double", visualize: bool = False, visualize_dir: str = "", **__, ): """ Note: DQN is only available for discrete environments. Note: Dueling DQN is a network structure rather than a framework, so it could be applied to all three modes. If ``mode = "vanilla"``, implements the simplest online DQN, with replay buffer. If ``mode = "fixed_target"``, implements DQN with a target network, and replay buffer. Described in `this <https://web.stanford.\ edu/class/psych209/Readings/MnihEtAlHassibis15NatureControlDeepRL.pdf>`__ essay. If ``mode = "double"``, implements Double DQN described in `this <>`__ essay. Note: Vanilla DQN only needs one network, so internally, ``qnet`` is assigned to ``qnet_target``. Note: In order to implement dueling DQN, you should create two dense output layers. In your q network:: self.fc_adv = nn.Linear(in_features=..., out_features=num_actions) self.fc_val = nn.Linear(in_features=..., out_features=1) Then in your ``forward()`` method, you should implement output as:: adv = self.fc_adv(some_input) val = self.fc_val(some_input).expand(self.batch_sze, self.num_actions) return val + adv - adv.mean(1, keepdim=True) Note: Your optimizer will be called as:: optimizer(network.parameters(), learning_rate) Your lr_scheduler will be called as:: lr_scheduler( optimizer, *lr_scheduler_args[0], **lr_scheduler_kwargs[0], ) Your criterion will be called as:: criterion( target_value.view(batch_size, 1), predicted_value.view(batch_size, 1) ) Note: DQN supports two ways of updating the target network, the first way is polyak update (soft update), which updates the target network in every training step by mixing its weights with the online network using ``update_rate``. The other way is hard update, which copies weights of the online network after every ``update_steps`` training step. You can either specify ``update_rate`` or ``update_steps`` to select one update scheme, if both are specified, an error will be raised. These two different update schemes may result in different training stability. Attributes: epsilon: Current epsilon value, determines randomness in ``act_discrete_with_noise``. You can set it to any value. Args: qnet: Q network module. qnet_target: Target Q network module. optimizer: Optimizer used to optimize ``qnet``. criterion: Criterion used to evaluate the value loss. learning_rate: Learning rate of the optimizer, not compatible with ``lr_scheduler``. lr_scheduler: Learning rate scheduler of ``optimizer``. lr_scheduler_args: Arguments of the learning rate scheduler. lr_scheduler_kwargs: Keyword arguments of the learning rate scheduler. batch_size: Batch size used during training. epsilon_decay: Epsilon decay rate per acting with noise step. ``epsilon`` attribute is multiplied with this every time ``act_discrete_with_noise`` is called. update_rate: :math:`\\tau` used to update target networks. Target parameters are updated as: :math:`\\theta_t = \\theta * \\tau + \\theta_t * (1 - \\tau)` update_steps: Training step number used to update target networks. discount: :math:`\\gamma` used in the bellman function. gradient_max: Maximum gradient. replay_size: Replay buffer size. Not compatible with ``replay_buffer``. replay_device: Device where the replay buffer locates on, Not compatible with ``replay_buffer``. replay_buffer: Custom replay buffer. mode: one of ``"vanilla", "fixed_target", "double"``. visualize: Whether visualize the network flow in the first pass. """ self.batch_size = batch_size self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay self.update_rate = update_rate self.update_steps = update_steps = discount self.grad_max = gradient_max self.visualize = visualize self.visualize_dir = visualize_dir self.mode = mode self.epsilon = 1 self._update_counter = 0 if mode not in {"vanilla", "fixed_target", "double"}: raise ValueError(f"Unknown DQN mode: {mode}") if update_rate is not None and update_steps is not None: raise ValueError( "You can only specify one target network update" " scheme, either by update_rate or update_steps," " but not both." ) self.qnet = qnet if self.mode == "vanilla": self.qnet_target = qnet else: self.qnet_target = qnet_target self.qnet_optim = optimizer(self.qnet.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) self.replay_buffer = ( Buffer(replay_size, replay_device) if replay_buffer is None else replay_buffer ) # Make sure target and online networks have the same weight with t.no_grad(): hard_update(self.qnet, self.qnet_target) if lr_scheduler is not None: if lr_scheduler_args is None: lr_scheduler_args = ((),) if lr_scheduler_kwargs is None: lr_scheduler_kwargs = ({},) self.qnet_lr_sch = lr_scheduler( self.qnet_optim, *lr_scheduler_args[0], **lr_scheduler_kwargs[0] ) self.criterion = criterion super().__init__() @property def optimizers(self): return [self.qnet_optim] @optimizers.setter def optimizers(self, optimizers): self.qnet_optim = optimizers[0] @property def lr_schedulers(self): if hasattr(self, "qnet_lr_sch"): return [self.qnet_lr_sch] return []
[docs] def act_discrete(self, state: Dict[str, Any], use_target: bool = False, **__): """ Use Q network to produce a discrete action for the current state. Args: state: Current state. use_target: Whether to use the target network. Returns: Action of shape ``[batch_size, 1]``. Any other things returned by your Q network. if they exist. """ if use_target: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet_target, state) else: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet, state) result = t.argmax(result, dim=1).view(-1, 1) if len(others) == 0: return result else: return (result, *others)
[docs] def act_discrete_with_noise( self, state: Dict[str, Any], use_target: bool = False, decay_epsilon: bool = True, **__, ): """ Randomly selects an action from the action space according to a uniform distribution, with regard to the epsilon decay policy. Args: state: Current state. use_target: Whether to use the target network. decay_epsilon: Whether to decay the ``epsilon`` attribute. Returns: Noisy action of shape ``[batch_size, 1]``. Any other things returned by your Q network. if they exist. """ if use_target: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet_target, state) else: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet, state) action_dim = result.shape[1] result = t.argmax(result, dim=1).view(-1, 1) if t.rand([1]).item() < self.epsilon: result = t.randint(0, action_dim, [result.shape[0], 1]) if decay_epsilon: self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay if len(others) == 0: return result else: return (result, *others)
def _act_discrete(self, state: Dict[str, Any], use_target: bool = False, **__): """ Use Q network to produce a discrete action for the current state. Args: state: Current state. use_target: Whether to use the target network. Returns: Action of shape ``[batch_size, 1]`` """ if use_target: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet_target, state) else: result, *others = safe_call(self.qnet, state) return t.argmax(result, dim=1).view(-1, 1) def _criticize(self, state: Dict[str, Any], use_target: bool = False, **__): """ Use Q network to evaluate current value. Args: state: Current state. use_target: Whether to use the target network. """ if use_target: return safe_call(self.qnet_target, state)[0] else: return safe_call(self.qnet, state)[0]
[docs] def store_transition(self, transition: Union[Transition, Dict]): """ Add a transition sample to the replay buffer. """ self.replay_buffer.append( transition, required_attrs=("state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "terminal"), )
[docs] def store_episode(self, episode: List[Union[Transition, Dict]]): """ Add a full episode of transition samples to the replay buffer. """ for trans in episode: self.replay_buffer.append( trans, required_attrs=("state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "terminal"), )
[docs] def update( self, update_value=True, update_target=True, concatenate_samples=True, **__ ): """ Update network weights by sampling from replay buffer. Args: update_value: Whether update the Q network. update_target: Whether update targets. concatenate_samples: Whether concatenate the samples. Returns: mean value of estimated policy value, value loss """ ( batch_size, (state, action, reward, next_state, terminal, others,), ) = self.replay_buffer.sample_batch( self.batch_size, concatenate_samples, sample_method="random_unique", sample_attrs=["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "terminal", "*"], ) self.qnet.train() if self.mode == "vanilla": # Vanilla DQN, directly optimize q network. # target network is the same as the main network q_value = self._criticize(state) # gather requires long tensor, int32 is not accepted action_value = q_value.gather( dim=1, index=self.action_get_function(action).to( device=q_value.device, dtype=t.long ), ) target_next_q_value = ( t.max(self._criticize(next_state), dim=1)[0].unsqueeze(1).detach() ) y_i = self.reward_function( reward,, target_next_q_value, terminal, others ) value_loss = self.criterion(action_value, y_i.type_as(action_value)) if self.visualize: self.visualize_model(value_loss, "qnet", self.visualize_dir) if update_value: self.qnet.zero_grad() value_loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.qnet.parameters(), self.grad_max) self.qnet_optim.step() elif self.mode == "fixed_target": # Fixed target DQN, which estimate next value by using the # target Q network. Similar to the idea of DDPG. q_value = self._criticize(state) # gather requires long tensor, int32 is not accepted action_value = q_value.gather( dim=1, index=self.action_get_function(action).to( device=q_value.device, dtype=t.long ), ) target_next_q_value = ( t.max(self._criticize(next_state, True), dim=1)[0].unsqueeze(1).detach() ) y_i = self.reward_function( reward,, target_next_q_value, terminal, others ) value_loss = self.criterion(action_value, y_i.type_as(action_value)) if self.visualize: self.visualize_model(value_loss, "qnet", self.visualize_dir) if update_value: self.qnet.zero_grad() self._backward(value_loss) nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.qnet.parameters(), self.grad_max) self.qnet_optim.step() # Update target Q network if update_target: soft_update(self.qnet_target, self.qnet, self.update_rate) elif self.mode == "double": # Double DQN. DDQN also use the target network to estimate the next # value, but instead of selecting the maximum Q(s,a), it uses # the online DQN network to select an action and return Q(s,a'), to # reduce the over estimation. q_value = self._criticize(state) # gather requires long tensor, int32 is not accepted action_value = q_value.gather( dim=1, index=self.action_get_function(action).to( device=q_value.device, dtype=t.long ), ) with t.no_grad(): target_next_q_value = self._criticize(next_state, True) next_action = self._act_discrete(next_state).to( device=q_value.device, dtype=t.long ) target_next_q_value = target_next_q_value.gather( dim=1, index=next_action ) y_i = self.reward_function( reward,, target_next_q_value, terminal, others ) value_loss = self.criterion(action_value, y_i.type_as(action_value)) if self.visualize: self.visualize_model(value_loss, "qnet", self.visualize_dir) if update_value: self.qnet.zero_grad() self._backward(value_loss) nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.qnet.parameters(), self.grad_max) self.qnet_optim.step() # Update target Q network if update_target: if self.update_rate is not None: soft_update(self.qnet_target, self.qnet, self.update_rate) else: self._update_counter += 1 if self._update_counter % self.update_steps == 0: hard_update(self.qnet_target, self.qnet) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown DQN mode: {self.mode}") self.qnet.eval() # use .item() to prevent memory leakage return value_loss.item()
[docs] def update_lr_scheduler(self): """ Update learning rate schedulers. """ if hasattr(self, "qnet_lr_sch"): self.qnet_lr_sch.step()
[docs] def load(self, model_dir, network_map=None, version=-1): # DOC INHERITED super().load(model_dir, network_map, version) with t.no_grad(): hard_update(self.qnet, self.qnet_target)
[docs] @staticmethod def action_get_function(sampled_actions): """ This function is used to get action numbers (int tensor indicating which discrete actions are used) from the sampled action dictionary. """ return sampled_actions["action"]
[docs] @staticmethod def reward_function(reward, discount, next_value, terminal, _): next_value = terminal = return reward + discount * ~terminal * next_value
[docs] @classmethod def generate_config(cls, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]): default_values = { "models": ["QNet", "QNet"], "model_args": ((), ()), "model_kwargs": ({}, {}), "optimizer": "Adam", "criterion": "MSELoss", "criterion_args": (), "criterion_kwargs": {}, "lr_scheduler": None, "lr_scheduler_args": None, "lr_scheduler_kwargs": None, "batch_size": 100, "epsilon_decay": 0.9999, "update_rate": 0.005, "update_steps": None, "learning_rate": 0.001, "discount": 0.99, "gradient_max": np.inf, "replay_size": 500000, "replay_device": "cpu", "replay_buffer": None, "mode": "double", "visualize": False, "visualize_dir": "", } config = deepcopy(config) config["frame"] = "DQN" if "frame_config" not in config: config["frame_config"] = default_values else: config["frame_config"] = {**config["frame_config"], **default_values} return config
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_config( cls, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], model_device: Union[str, t.device] = "cpu", ): f_config = deepcopy(config["frame_config"]) models = assert_and_get_valid_models(f_config["models"]) model_args = f_config["model_args"] model_kwargs = f_config["model_kwargs"] models = [ m(*arg, **kwarg).to(model_device) for m, arg, kwarg in zip(models, model_args, model_kwargs) ] optimizer = assert_and_get_valid_optimizer(f_config["optimizer"]) criterion = assert_and_get_valid_criterion(f_config["criterion"])( *f_config["criterion_args"], **f_config["criterion_kwargs"] ) lr_scheduler = f_config["lr_scheduler"] and assert_and_get_valid_lr_scheduler( f_config["lr_scheduler"] ) f_config["optimizer"] = optimizer f_config["criterion"] = criterion f_config["lr_scheduler"] = lr_scheduler frame = cls(*models, **f_config) return frame