Source code for machin.frame.algorithms.td3

# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import
from .ddpg import *

[docs]class TD3(DDPG): """ TD3 framework. Which adds a additional pair of critic and target critic network to DDPG. """ _is_top = [ "actor", "critic", "critic2", "actor_target", "critic_target", "critic2_target", ] _is_restorable = ["actor_target", "critic_target", "critic2_target"] def __init__( self, actor: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], actor_target: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], critic: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], critic_target: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], critic2: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], critic2_target: Union[NeuralNetworkModule, nn.Module], optimizer: Callable, criterion: Callable, *_, lr_scheduler: Callable = None, lr_scheduler_args: Tuple[Tuple, Tuple, Tuple] = None, lr_scheduler_kwargs: Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict] = None, batch_size: int = 100, update_rate: float = 0.001, update_steps: Union[int, None] = None, actor_learning_rate: float = 0.0005, critic_learning_rate: float = 0.001, discount: float = 0.99, gradient_max: float = np.inf, replay_size: int = 500000, replay_device: Union[str, t.device] = "cpu", replay_buffer: Buffer = None, visualize: bool = False, visualize_dir: str = "", **__ ): """ See Also: :class:`.DDPG` Args: actor: Actor network module. actor_target: Target actor network module. critic: Critic network module. critic_target: Target critic network module. critic2: The second critic network module. critic2_target: The second target critic network module. optimizer: Optimizer used to optimize ``actor``, ``critic``, criterion: Criterion used to evaluate the value loss. lr_scheduler: Learning rate scheduler of ``optimizer``. lr_scheduler_args: Arguments of the learning rate scheduler. lr_scheduler_kwargs: Keyword arguments of the learning rate scheduler. batch_size: Batch size used during training. update_rate: :math:`\\tau` used to update target networks. Target parameters are updated as: :math:`\\theta_t = \\theta * \\tau + \\theta_t * (1 - \\tau)` update_steps: Training step number used to update target networks. actor_learning_rate: Learning rate of the actor optimizer, not compatible with ``lr_scheduler``. critic_learning_rate: Learning rate of the critic optimizer, not compatible with ``lr_scheduler``. discount: :math:`\\gamma` used in the bellman function. replay_size: Replay buffer size. Not compatible with ``replay_buffer``. replay_device: Device where the replay buffer locates on, Not compatible with ``replay_buffer``. replay_buffer: Custom replay buffer. visualize: Whether visualize the network flow in the first pass. visualize_dir: Visualized graph save directory. """ if lr_scheduler_args is None: lr_scheduler_args = ((), (), ()) if lr_scheduler_kwargs is None: lr_scheduler_kwargs = ({}, {}, {}) super().__init__( actor, actor_target, critic, critic_target, optimizer, criterion, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, lr_scheduler_args=( lr_scheduler_args[:2] if lr_scheduler_args is not None else None ), lr_scheduler_kwargs=( lr_scheduler_kwargs[:2] if lr_scheduler_kwargs is not None else None ), batch_size=batch_size, update_rate=update_rate, update_steps=update_steps, actor_learning_rate=actor_learning_rate, critic_learning_rate=critic_learning_rate, discount=discount, gradient_max=gradient_max, replay_size=replay_size, replay_device=replay_device, replay_buffer=replay_buffer, visualize=visualize, visualize_dir=visualize_dir, ) self.critic2 = critic2 self.critic2_target = critic2_target self.critic2_optim = optimizer( self.critic2.parameters(), lr=critic_learning_rate ) # Make sure target and online networks have the same weight with t.no_grad(): hard_update(self.critic2, self.critic2_target) if lr_scheduler is not None: self.critic2_lr_sch = lr_scheduler( self.critic2_optim, *lr_scheduler_args[2], **lr_scheduler_kwargs[2] ) @property def optimizers(self): return [self.actor_optim, self.critic_optim, self.critic2_optim] @optimizers.setter def optimizers(self, optimizers): self.actor_optim, self.critic_optim, self.critic2_optim = optimizers @property def lr_schedulers(self): if ( hasattr(self, "actor_lr_sch") and hasattr(self, "critic_lr_sch") and hasattr(self, "critic2_lr_sch") ): return [self.actor_lr_sch, self.critic_lr_sch, self.critic2_lr_sch] return [] def _criticize2( self, state: Dict[str, Any], action: Dict[str, Any], use_target=False, **__ ): """ Use the second critic network to evaluate current value. Args: state: Current state. action: Current action. use_target: Whether to use the target network. Returns: Q Value of shape ``[batch_size, 1]``. """ if use_target: return safe_call(self.critic2_target, state, action)[0] else: return safe_call(self.critic2, state, action)[0]
[docs] def update( self, update_value=True, update_policy=True, update_target=True, concatenate_samples=True, **__ ): # DOC INHERITED self.critic.train() self.critic2.train() ( batch_size, (state, action, reward, next_state, terminal, others,), ) = self.replay_buffer.sample_batch( self.batch_size, concatenate_samples, sample_method="random_unique", sample_attrs=["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "terminal", "*"], ) # Update critic network first. # Generate value reference :math: `y_i` using target actor and # target critic. with t.no_grad(): next_action = self.action_transform_function( self.policy_noise_function(self._act(next_state, True)), next_state, others, ) next_value = self._criticize(next_state, next_action, True) next_value2 = self._criticize2(next_state, next_action, True) next_value = t.min(next_value, next_value2) next_value = next_value.view(batch_size, -1) y_i = self.reward_function( reward,, next_value, terminal, others ) cur_value = self._criticize(state, action) cur_value2 = self._criticize2(state, action) value_loss = self.criterion(cur_value, y_i.type_as(cur_value)) value_loss2 = self.criterion(cur_value2, y_i.type_as(cur_value)) if self.visualize: self.visualize_model(value_loss, "critic", self.visualize_dir) if update_value: self.critic.zero_grad() value_loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic.parameters(), self.gradient_max) self.critic_optim.step() self.critic2.zero_grad() value_loss2.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic2.parameters(), self.gradient_max) self.critic2_optim.step() # Update actor network cur_action = self.action_transform_function(self._act(state), state, others) act_value = self._criticize(state, cur_action) # "-" is applied because we want to maximize J_b(u), # but optimizer workers by minimizing the target act_policy_loss = -act_value.mean() if self.visualize: self.visualize_model(act_policy_loss, "actor", self.visualize_dir) if update_policy: act_policy_loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(, self.gradient_max) self.actor_optim.step() # Update target networks if update_target: if self.update_rate is not None: soft_update(self.actor_target,, self.update_rate) soft_update(self.critic_target, self.critic, self.update_rate) soft_update(self.critic2_target, self.critic2, self.update_rate) else: self._update_counter += 1 if self._update_counter % self.update_steps == 0: hard_update(self.actor_target, hard_update(self.critic_target, self.critic) hard_update(self.critic2_target, self.critic2) self.critic.eval() self.critic2.eval() # use .item() to prevent memory leakage return (-act_policy_loss.item(), (value_loss.item() + value_loss2.item()) / 2)
[docs] @staticmethod def policy_noise_function(actions, *_): # Function used to add noise to actions, mentioned in TD3 # training tricks return actions
[docs] def update_lr_scheduler(self): """ Update learning rate schedulers. """ if hasattr(self, "critic2_lr_sch"): self.critic2_lr_sch.step() super().update_lr_scheduler()
[docs] def load( self, model_dir: str, network_map: Dict[str, str] = None, version: int = -1 ): # DOC INHERITED TorchFramework.load(self, model_dir, network_map, version) with t.no_grad(): hard_update(, self.actor_target) hard_update(self.critic, self.critic_target) hard_update(self.critic2, self.critic2_target)
[docs] @classmethod def generate_config(cls, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]): config = DDPG.generate_config(config) config["frame"] = "TD3" config["frame_config"]["models"] = [ "Actor", "Actor", "Critic", "Critic", "Critic", "Critic", ] config["frame_config"]["model_args"] = ((), (), (), (), (), ()) config["frame_config"]["model_kwargs"] = ({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) return config