Source code for machin.frame.buffers.prioritized_buffer

from typing import Union, Dict, List, Any
from ..transition import Transition
from .buffer import Buffer
import torch as t
import numpy as np

[docs]class WeightTree: """ Sum weight tree data structure. """ def __init__(self, size): """ Initialize a weight tree. Note: Weights must be positive. Note: Weight tree is stored as a flattened, full binary tree in a ``np.ndarray``. The lowest level of leaves comes first, the highest root node is stored at last. Example: Tree with weights: ``[[1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 7], [11]]`` will be stored as: ``[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 7, 11]`` Note: Performance On i7-6700HQ (M: Million): 90ms for building a tree with 10M elements. 230ms for looking up 10M elements in a tree with 10M elements. 20ms for 1M element batched update in a tree with 10M elements. 240ms for 1M element single update in a tree with 10M elements. Args: size: Number of weight tree leaves. """ self.size = size # depth: level of nodes self.max_leaf = 0 self.depth = int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.size))) + 1 level_sizes_log = np.arange(self.depth - 1, -1, -1) self.sizes = np.power(2, level_sizes_log) self.offsets = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(self.sizes))) self.weights = np.zeros([self.offsets[-1]], dtype=np.float)
[docs] def get_weight_sum(self) -> float: """ Returns: Total weight sum. """ return self.weights[-1]
[docs] def get_leaf_max(self) -> float: """ Returns: Current maximum leaf weight. """ return self.max_leaf
[docs] def get_leaf_all_weights(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns: Current weights of all leaves, ``np.ndarray`` of shape ``(size)``. """ return self.weights[: self.size]
[docs] def get_leaf_weight(self, index: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]) -> Any: """ Get weights of selected leaves. Args: index: Leaf indexes in range ``[0, size - 1]``, used to query weights. Returns: Current weight(s) of selected leaves. If index is scalar, returns ``float``, if not, returns ``np.ndarray``. """ if not isinstance(index, np.ndarray): index = np.array(index).reshape(-1) if np.any(index >= self.size) or np.any(index < 0): raise ValueError("Index has elements out of boundary!") if index.shape[0] == 1: return float(self.weights[index]) else: return self.weights[index]
[docs] def find_leaf_index(self, weight: Union[float, List[float], np.ndarray]): """ Find leaf indexes given weight. Weight must be in range :math:`[0, weight\\_sum]` Args: weight: Weight(s) used to query leaf index(es). Returns: Leaf index(es), if weight is scalar, returns ``int``, if not, returns ``np.ndarray``. """ if not isinstance(weight, np.ndarray): weight = np.array(weight).reshape(-1) index = np.zeros([weight.shape[0]], dtype=np.long) # starting from the first child level of root for i in range(self.depth - 2, -1, -1): offset = self.offsets[i] left_wt = self.weights[offset + index * 2] # 0 for left and 1 for right select = weight > left_wt index = index * 2 + select weight = weight - left_wt * select index = np.clip(index, 0, self.size - 1) if index.shape[0] == 1: return int(index) else: return index
[docs] def update_leaf(self, weight: float, index: int): """ Update a single weight tree leaf. Args: weight: New weight of the leaf. index: Leaf index to update, must be in range ``[0, size - 1]``. """ if not 0 <= index <= self.size: raise ValueError("Index has elements out of boundary!") self.max_leaf = max(weight, self.max_leaf) self.weights[index] = weight value = weight comp_value = self.weights[index ^ 0b1] for i in range(1, self.depth - 1): offset = self.offsets[i] index = index // 2 global_index = index + offset comp_global_index = index ^ 0b1 + offset value = self.weights[global_index] = value + comp_value comp_value = self.weights[comp_global_index] self.weights[-1] = value + comp_value
[docs] def update_leaf_batch( self, weights: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], indexes: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], ): """ Update weight tree leaves in batch. Args: weights: New weights of leaves. indexes: Leaf indexes to update, must be in range ``[0, size - 1]``. """ if len(weights) != len(indexes): raise ValueError("Dimension of weights and indexes doesn't match!") if len(weights) == 0: return weights = np.array(weights) indexes = np.array(indexes) if np.any(indexes >= self.size) or np.any(indexes < 0): raise ValueError("Index has elements out of boundary!") self.max_leaf = max(np.max(weights), self.max_leaf) needs_update = indexes self.weights[indexes] = weights for i in range(1, self.depth): offset, prev_offset = self.offsets[i], self.offsets[i - 1] # O(n) = nlg(n) needs_update = np.unique(needs_update // 2) tmp = needs_update * 2 self.weights[offset + needs_update] = ( self.weights[prev_offset + tmp] + self.weights[prev_offset + tmp + 1] )
[docs] def update_all_leaves(self, weights: Union[List[float], np.ndarray]): """ Reset all leaf weights, rebuild weight tree from ground up. Args: weights: All leaf weights. List or array length should be in range ``[0, size]``. """ if len(weights) != self.size: raise ValueError("Weights size must match tree size!") self.weights[0 : len(weights)] = np.array(weights) self._build()
[docs] def print_weights(self, precision=2): """ Pretty print the tree, for debug purpose. Args: precision: Number of digits of weights to print. """ fmt = f"{{:.{precision}f}}" for i in range(self.depth): offset, size = self.offsets[i], self.sizes[i] weights = [ fmt.format(self.weights[j]) for j in range(offset, offset + size) ] print(weights)
def _build(self): """ Build weight tree from leaves """ self.max_leaf = np.max(self.get_leaf_all_weights()) for i in range(self.depth - 1): offset = self.offsets[i] level_size = self.sizes[i] # data are interleaved, therefore must be -1,2 and not 2,-1 weight_sum = ( self.weights[offset : offset + level_size].reshape(-1, 2).sum(axis=1) ) offset += level_size next_level_size = self.sizes[i + 1] self.weights[offset : offset + next_level_size] = weight_sum
[docs]class PrioritizedBuffer(Buffer): def __init__( self, buffer_size, buffer_device="cpu", epsilon=1e-2, alpha=0.6, beta=0.4, beta_increment_per_sampling=0.001, *_, **__, ): """ Args: buffer_size: Maximum buffer size. buffer_device: Device where buffer is stored. epsilon: A small positive constant used to prevent edge-case zero weight transitions from never being visited. alpha: Prioritization weight. Used during transition sampling: :math:`j \\sim P(j)=p_{j}^{\\alpha} / \ \\sum_i p_{i}^{\\alpha}`. When ``alpha = 0``, all samples have the same probability to be sampled. When ``alpha = 1``, all samples are drawn uniformly according to their weight. beta: Bias correcting weight. When ``beta = 1``, bias introduced by prioritized replay will be corrected. Used during importance weight calculation: :math:`w_j=(N \\cdot P(j))^{-\\beta}/max_i w_i` beta_increment_per_sampling: Beta increase step size, will gradually increase ``beta`` to 1. """ super().__init__(buffer_size, buffer_device) self.epsilon = epsilon self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.beta_increment_per_sampling = beta_increment_per_sampling self.curr_beta = beta self.wt_tree = WeightTree(buffer_size) def _normalize_priority(self, priority): """ Normalize priority and calculate :math:`p_{j}^{\alpha}` """ return (np.abs(priority) + self.epsilon) ** self.alpha
[docs] def append( self, transition: Union[Transition, Dict], priority: Union[float, None] = None, required_attrs=("state", "action", "next_state", "reward", "terminal"), ): """ Store a transition object to buffer. Args: transition: A transition object. priority: Priority of transition. required_attrs: Required attributes. """ position = super().append(transition, required_attrs) if priority is None: # the initialization method used in the original essay priority = self.wt_tree.get_leaf_max() self.wt_tree.update_leaf(self._normalize_priority(priority), position)
[docs] def size(self): """ Returns: Length of current buffer. """ return len(self.buffer)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear and resets the buffer to its initial state. """ self.buffer.clear() self.wt_tree = WeightTree(self.buffer_size) self.curr_beta = self.beta
[docs] def update_priority(self, priorities: np.ndarray, indexes: np.ndarray): """ Update priorities of samples. Args: priorities: New priorities. indexes: Indexes of samples, returned by :meth:`sample_batch` """ priorities = self._normalize_priority(priorities) self.wt_tree.update_leaf_batch(priorities, indexes)
[docs] def sample_batch( self, batch_size: int, concatenate: bool = True, device: Union[str, t.device] = None, sample_attrs: List[str] = None, additional_concat_attrs: List[str] = None, *_, **__, ) -> Any: """ Sample the most important batch from the prioritized buffer. See Also: :meth:`.Buffer.sample_batch` Args: batch_size: A hint size of the result sample. concatenate: Whether concatenate state, action and next_state in dimension 0. If ``True``, for each value in dictionaries of major attributes. and each value of sub attributes, returns a concatenated tensor. Custom Attributes specified in ``additional_concat_attrs`` will also be concatenated. If ``False``, return a list of tensors. device: Device to copy to. sample_attrs: If sample_keys is specified, then only specified keys of the transition object will be sampled. You may use ``"*"`` as a wildcard to collect remaining keys. additional_concat_attrs: additional custom keys needed to be concatenated, Returns: 1. Batch size. 2. Sampled attribute values in the same order as ``sample_keys``. Sampled attribute values is a tuple. Or ``None`` if sampled batch size is zero (E.g.: if buffer is empty or your sample size is 0). 3. Indexes of samples in the weight tree, ``np.ndarray``. Or ``None`` if sampled batch size is zero 4. Importance sampling weight of samples, ``np.ndarray``. Or ``None`` if sampled batch size is zero """ if batch_size <= 0 or self.size() == 0: return 0, None, None, None segment_length = self.wt_tree.get_weight_sum() / batch_size rand_priority = np.random.uniform(size=batch_size) * segment_length rand_priority += np.arange(batch_size, dtype=np.float) * segment_length rand_priority = np.clip( rand_priority, 0, max(self.wt_tree.get_weight_sum() - 1e-6, 0) ) index = self.wt_tree.find_leaf_index(rand_priority) batch = [self.buffer[idx] for idx in index] priority = self.wt_tree.get_leaf_weight(index) # calculate importance sampling weight sample_probability = priority / self.wt_tree.get_weight_sum() is_weight = np.power(len(self.buffer) * sample_probability, -self.curr_beta) is_weight /= is_weight.max() self.curr_beta = np.min( [1.0, self.curr_beta + self.beta_increment_per_sampling] ) if device is None: device = self.buffer_device result = self.post_process_batch( batch, device, concatenate, sample_attrs, additional_concat_attrs ) return len(batch), result, index, is_weight