Source code for machin.frame.buffers.prioritized_buffer_d

from typing import Union, Dict, List, Any
from threading import RLock
from collections import OrderedDict
from ..transition import Transition
from .prioritized_buffer import PrioritizedBuffer
from machin.parallel.distributed import RpcGroup
import numpy as np
import torch as t

[docs]class DistributedPrioritizedBuffer(PrioritizedBuffer): def __init__(self, buffer_name: str, group: RpcGroup, buffer_size: int, *_, **__): """ Create a distributed prioritized replay buffer instance. To avoid issues caused by tensor device difference, all transition objects are stored in device "cpu". Distributed prioritized replay buffer constitutes of many local buffers held per process, since it is very inefficient to maintain a weight tree across processes, each process holds a weight tree of records in its local buffer and a local buffer (same as ``DistributedBuffer``). The sampling process(es) will first use rpc to acquire the wr_lock, signalling "stop" to appending performed by actor processes, then perform a sum of all local weight trees, and finally perform sampling, after sampling and updating the importance weight, the lock will be released. During sampling, the tensors in "state", "action" and "next_state" dictionaries, along with "reward", will be concatenated in dimension 0. any other custom keys specified in ``**kwargs`` will not be concatenated. .. seealso:: :class:`PrioritizedBuffer` Note: :class:`DistributedPrioritizedBuffer` is not split into an accessor and an implementation, because we would like to operate on the buffer directly, when calling "size()" or "append()", to increase efficiency (since rpc layer is bypassed). Args: buffer_size: Maximum local buffer size. group: Process group which holds this buffer. """ super().__init__(buffer_size, "cpu") self.buffer_name = buffer_name self.buffer_version_table = np.zeros([buffer_size], dtype=np.uint64) = group assert group.is_member() # register services, so that we may access other buffers _name = "/" + group.get_cur_name() + _name + "/_size_service", self._size_service) buffer_name + _name + "/_clear_service", self._clear_service ) buffer_name + _name + "/_weight_sum_service", self._weight_sum_service ) buffer_name + _name + "/_update_priority_service", self._update_priority_service, ) buffer_name + _name + "/_sample_service", self._sample_service ) self.wr_lock = RLock()
[docs] def append( self, transition: Union[Transition, Dict], priority: Union[float, None] = None, required_attrs=("state", "action", "next_state", "reward", "terminal"), ): # DOC INHERITED with self.wr_lock: position = super(PrioritizedBuffer, self).append(transition, required_attrs) if priority is None: # the initialization method used in the original essay priority = self.wt_tree.get_leaf_max() self.wt_tree.update_leaf(self._normalize_priority(priority), position) # increase the version counter to mark it as tainted # later priority update will ignore this position self.buffer_version_table[position] += 1
[docs] def size(self): """ Returns: Length of current local buffer. """ with self.wr_lock: return super().size()
[docs] def all_size(self): """ Returns: Total length of all buffers. """ future = [] count = 0 for m in future.append( self.buffer_name + "/" + m + "/_size_service" ) ) for fut in future: count += fut.wait() return count
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all entries from current local buffer. """ with self.wr_lock: super().clear() # also clear the version table self.buffer_version_table.fill(0)
[docs] def all_clear(self): """ Remove all entries from all local buffers. """ future = [ + "/" + m + "/_clear_service") for m in ] for fut in future: fut.wait()
[docs] def update_priority(self, priorities: np.ndarray, indexes: OrderedDict): # DOC INHERITED # update priority on all local buffers future = [] offset = 0 # indexes is an OrderedDict, key is sampled process name, # value is a tuple of an index np.ndarray and a version np.ndarray for m, sub in indexes.items(): length = len(sub[0]) future.append( self.buffer_name + "/" + m + "/_update_priority_service", args=(priorities[offset : offset + length], sub[0], sub[1]), ) ) offset += length for fut in future: fut.wait()
[docs] def sample_batch( self, batch_size: int, concatenate: bool = True, device: Union[str, t.device] = None, sample_attrs: List[str] = None, additional_concat_attrs: List[str] = None, *_, **__ ) -> Any: if batch_size <= 0: return 0, None, None, None # calculate all weight sum future = [ self.buffer_name + "/" + m + "/_weight_sum_service" ) for m in ] weights = [fut.wait() for fut in future] all_weight_sum = sum(weights) + 1e-6 # prevent all zero # determine the sampling size of local buffers, based on: # local_weight_sum / all_weight_sum ssize = np.ceil(np.array(weights) * batch_size / all_weight_sum) ssize = [int(ss) for ss in ssize] # collect samples and their priority future = [ ( m, self.buffer_name + "/" + m + "/_sample_service", args=(ss, all_weight_sum), ), ) for m, ss in zip(, ssize) ] all_batch_len = 0 all_batch = [] all_index = OrderedDict() all_is_weight = [] for m, fut in future: batch_len, batch, index, version, is_weight = fut.wait() if batch_len == 0: continue all_batch_len += batch_len all_batch += batch all_is_weight.append(is_weight) # store them together to make API compatible with PrioritizedBuffer all_index[m] = (index, version) if all_batch_len == 0: return 0, None, None, None all_batch = PrioritizedBuffer.post_process_batch( all_batch, device, concatenate, sample_attrs, additional_concat_attrs ) all_is_weight = np.concatenate(all_is_weight, axis=0) return all_batch_len, all_batch, all_index, all_is_weight
def _size_service(self): # pragma: no cover with self.wr_lock: return super().size() def _clear_service(self): # pragma: no cover with self.wr_lock: super().clear() # also clear the version table self.buffer_version_table.fill(0) def _weight_sum_service(self): # pragma: no cover with self.wr_lock: return self.wt_tree.get_weight_sum() def _update_priority_service( self, priorities, indexes, versions ): # pragma: no cover with self.wr_lock: # compare original entry versions to the current version table is_same = self.buffer_version_table[indexes] == versions # select unchanged entries priorities = priorities[is_same] indexes = indexes[is_same] super().update_priority(priorities, indexes) def _sample_service(self, batch_size, all_weight_sum): # pragma: no cover # the local batch size with self.wr_lock: if batch_size <= 0 or len(self.buffer) == 0: return 0, None, None, None, None wt_tree = self.wt_tree segment_length = wt_tree.get_weight_sum() / batch_size rand_priority = np.random.uniform(size=batch_size) * segment_length rand_priority += np.arange(batch_size, dtype=np.float) * segment_length rand_priority = np.clip( rand_priority, 0, max(wt_tree.get_weight_sum() - 1e-6, 0) ) index = wt_tree.find_leaf_index(rand_priority) version = self.buffer_version_table[index] batch = [self.buffer[idx] for idx in index] priority = wt_tree.get_leaf_weight(index) # calculate importance sampling weight sample_probability = priority / all_weight_sum is_weight = np.power(len(self.buffer) * sample_probability, -self.curr_beta) is_weight /= is_weight.max() self.curr_beta = np.min( [1.0, self.curr_beta + self.beta_increment_per_sampling] ) return len(batch), batch, index, version, is_weight